Stories | Ciel Textile Website

CFEA 2021: 'And the Winner is . . .'

One Award, Eleven Business & One Winner; 

All on the same race, for 'Excellence'!

A 48 Sustainable Yarns Collection: At FSM only!

Looking for unique yarns with beautiful colors, special finish, and even, with a responsible impact on the environment? At FSM, we can help!

Vonona Project - Upcycled Hygiene Kits Empowers Girls To Stay In School

Tropic donates 6,000 hygienic kits to 800 adolescents in Madagascar

CIEL Textile launches the 'GO Beyond Gender' Program

For A World We Can All Feel Proud Of

Digital Printing at CDL: On our Journey to become a Sustainable Fashion Partner

Establishing transformational changes for better results

Aquarelle India acts urgently with the donation of Medical Equipments during COVID Crisis

A small step which inspires hope

CIEL Textile partners with Serai to advance Supply Chain Traceability

CIEL Textile: Our Collaboration with the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC)

A key factor in our sustainability journey