COVID 19 has been a (bad) surprise for all of us. As the global pandemic reached our shores, we quickly adjusted and shifted our production lines. Challenging? Yes. But totally doable. That is why we’ve repurposed fabric on hand to design washable (30 times) and reusable barrier masks. Click here and check out how we produced face masks to help fight COVID-19:
When it came to fight the pandemic of the COVID-19, our mask design was a:
Washable and Reusable
with an Innovative Waterproof Outer Layer
and Absorbent Inner Layer
We gave priority to domestic orders to protect frontline workers and our communities.
+250K masks were distributed to NGOs and local authorities
In sync, we’ve teamed up to set up an e-commerce website to facilitate accessibility and distribution of masks to the public.
4.5 million units have been produced
more than 100 fabric designs available
The fight is not over, let’s continue our efforts together!
Kudos to the CIEL Textile Team!
#GoBeyond #Agility #Innovation #Masks