Suraj Neerunjun, Junior Sales Executive at Tropic Mauritius: “There is no shortcut to success…” | Ciel Textile Website

Suraj Neerunjun, Junior Sales Executive at Tropic Mauritius: “There is no shortcut to success…”

Let’s meet Suraj – he has been with Tropic Mauritius since the summer of ‘98. That’s right, over a quarter-century ago! Discover his dynamic professional path rooted in learning and improvement.   


The early days 

Joining the Tropic family as a youngster, all Suraj initially wanted was to become independent and gain professional experience. Little did he know that he was embarking on a long and successful journey of learning and growth. My curiosity and drive to learn more about the garment-making process certainly influenced my career path,” he remembers.    


Climbing the ladder

Constantly challenging himself and stepping out of his comfort zone allowed Suraj to embrace new responsibilities throughout the years. From Coordination Officer to Fabric Sourcing Officer, and then Leakage Management Officer and Senior Planning and Merchandising, Suraj’s career was on the move. And now, as a Junior Sales Executive, he is the living proof that hard work, perseverance, determination, and a humble attitude always pay off.   


Keep growing! 

Change is the only constant in the textile environment, and I consider it my duty to continuously learn; both academically and professionally. It is this dedication to growth that keeps me sharp and ready to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers,” says the Junior Sales Executive whose adaptability allows him to keep going. Communication and leadership, time management, and problem solving are but some of the soft skills he develops with every new day on the job. “During my career, I was lucky to work with many people, and learning from them helped me grow, both professionally and personally,” he adds.    


The challenge of people management 

The main challenge Suraj faces daily is people management, but he approaches it with a positive mindset and a dash of creativity. Keeping a positive mindset when dealing with people is essential. I don’t hesitate to get creative. From face-to-face meetings to specific coaching, I make sure that every team member gives their all to hit targets and meet deadlines. I believe that aligning with your company’s vision and values opens a world of opportunities,” he insists.    


The journey continues 

If you ask Suraj about the secret to success, he’ll tell you straight up: There is no shortcut for success! It’s all about putting in the work and staying dedicated! That’s how you can deliver unbeatable value and customer satisfaction”.  So, there you have it, Suraj’s story in a nutshell. It’s a tale of passion, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence at Tropic Mauritius. And the best part? The journey’s far from over!


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