Aquarelle and Laguna India are bringing clean water to schools, hospitals and families | Ciel Textile Website

Aquarelle and Laguna India are bringing clean water to schools, hospitals and families

To make a real difference in people's lives and create a world we can all feel proud of: that’s our passion. And this drives our dedication to CSR initiatives. Our teams at Aquarelle and Laguna India have taken this mission to heart by installing Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants in nearby villages.  


The challenge: clean water out of reach 

For years, our Aquarelle and Laguna India teams have witnessed a concerning reality: Hundreds of schoolchildren and families in villages near our facilities lacked access to clean drinking water.  

Safe drinking water, a basic human right, still needs to be reached for many. According to the UN, a concerning 2 billion people globally lacks access to it. 

In the villages near our facilities, access to safely managed drinking water has been a long challenge for the people. Many families relied on unsafe water sources like handpumps and borewells for their drinking water. 


Taking a stand: Guided by a goal 

Clean water is not a privilege. It’s a basic right, for everyone. Guided by the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 6, which aims to ensure clean water and sanitation for all, our teams took decisive action. 

Aquarelle and Laguna India, united by a common purpose, went on the mission to bring clean water to those in need. Both teams approached the problem in different ways but achieved equally impressive results! 


Aquarelle India’s impact on government schools and hospitals 

Understanding the critical role of a healthy learning environment, Aquarelle India teams focused on schools. In 2023 and 2024, they installed Reverse Osmosis (RO) water plants in two government schools: Maregowdanahalli and Saramatlapalli. These installations now provide clean water to over 1,150 students, ensuring their health and well-being. 

But we didn’t stop there. In 2023, we installed an RO plant in a government hospital in Banasamudra, where our facility Aquarelle Samudra is located, giving patients and staff access to clean water.  

This year, the team also installed an RO plant at the Akshara Maanasika Vikalangula Vruthi Sikshana Mariyu Vasathi Kendramu, a home for mentally challenged children, benefiting 40 residents.  


Laguna India’s village transformation 

Meanwhile, Laguna India teams made a positive impact in Kaalegowdana Doddi, Shivanahalli. In 2023, the team installed the first Reverse Osmosis (RO) water plants in the village. Now, 400 families - about 1,500 people - have access to clean water and are no longer relying on unfiltered water sources. 


A Ripple of Hope! 

The joy on the faces of children and families receiving fresh, clean water was a powerful reminder of the impact of our initiatives. Children can now drink without the risk of infections, families stay hydrated, and the entire community's health is improving! 


CIEL Textile’s commitment to make a positive difference 

This story is just one example of our ongoing dedication to building a healthier and happier tomorrow. At CIEL Textile, we're committed to using our resources and influence to make a positive difference in the communities around us.

You can read more about our ongoing initiatives here.

Here's to clean water, good health, and strong bonds with our neighbors! 


#CIELTextile #ChampionInclusiveGrowth #ForAWorldWeCanAllFeelProudOf